Saturday, June 11, 2011

a good rant on the wii U

Nintendo over E3 has shows their new system the wii u, and wile its my jobs as the customer and thinker that i am to go on a rant about the thing. i well say that it has already sold millions before being in stores. THAT SAID. im still going to go on a rant about it.

first, it seams the whole thing is about the controller, which is good since every game system these days has motion controls, has HD graphics, internet play, a online game store, and other none gaming options like Netflix, hulu.
its good to see Nintendo is always thinking out side the box and looking for what can make the Wii U different then the rest.
the controller looks nice, and has a tablet looking sytle with a 6 inch touch screen in the middle of the screen, what scares me is the feel of the controller would it be annoying to hold for a few hours of game play? not from what iv bin hearing, but we shal she when i get one.

though the screen is not multi touch, i think that's more then ok since i don't want to much going on, on that small screen any way, and supposedly its a HD screen, which for some games well allow you to switch them over to the controller, and turn off the tv. but something that Nintendo said is that only one controller well be used, but something even more weird is that they also said they would be looking into using more then one of the tablet controllers at a time, but just need ideas.....IM SORRY WHAT!!!
i have a hard time coming up with ideas ware their would be 4 wii controllers and one tablet...that just seams weird to me and i cant come up with much their, HOW EVER with 4 HD screens in every ones hand i can at least come up with 2 grate ways to use 4 controllers that would give the wii u praise time and time again

1) split screen, for any one playing a racing game, PFS, or any game that uses a split screen, this would be amazing, you could turn the tv off its self, OR have it just display things like score boards, and then have each player have their own screen in their hands, no one taking a peek at your screen, and not turning your nice HD screen into a split screen mess.

2) screen share, for any one that plays a sports game, or say a RPG like hunter, you know the agony of one player being far behind and your whole teem have to wait for them to catch up because the screen wont let you keep moving. or when your playing a sports game and who ever has the ball is ware the screen is and now you who dues not have the ball has to see that player and not your own. this also is good for racing games, you would have your motion control in your hands and see out the perspective of your driver with out using a split screen on your TV,wile your TV could show a birds eye view of the track

OH and hear is a 3rd i just thought of.

3) so your playing a party game with turn involved so each player can use the TV one at a time, BUT each player can have all their items, stats, and other such things kept in their hands and off the big screen, this allows you to keep secrets (like items)from other players and be able to better give strategy because the players don't know the items of the other players. and each screen can also have some kind of mini game wile they are waiting for their turn to come up.

ok so that was a good rant on the need for 4 tablet controllers at a time.
BUT their has also bin talk about being able to use the 3DS, wich is cool and should be done, but not in place of the above. it should be for a different kind of experiences, why? for one the 3ds has not the same kind of buttons as its missing a 2 triggers or (ZL, ZR) and the second circle pad, so for some games ware you need those you would be SOL. and that's poor planing. not to mention hitting the home button on the 3DS would most likely log you out of what ever mode you were in to use it with the wii U, also the screen of the 3DS is smaller and none HD.
BUT in some cases it would be nice to use a 3DS, it has most of the other things, and has a second screen that's is....IN 3D, every one in the family could watch the same 3D movie in different parts of the house/room watching in glasses free 3D and they could all stream at the same time making it a family/shared experience.
their is also linking a 3DS game to the system with a game that takes place on both systems and by using the 3DS you can unlock new kinds of game play on your tv with the same control.YAY

ok so if we pay attention to the video of the Wii U showing off its hard ware in its video hear we can brake it down to get some other tid bits of info they dont say directly
(video thanks to IGN)

at :35 you well notice a drawing app/game this would most likely be something built in from day one as freeware because it would be a BIG part of the controller using the stylus and touch screen. and since they made a point of making it the second thing shown on the controller its something they want us to know it can do.

:50 they want you to know that it can be used much like a tablet device away from the tv, as they make a point more then once to show a couple playing a game using one controller, you can be sure that the eshop for the wii u well be filled with games like this. chess, checkers, tik tak toe, and the like well be sure to be on the system, or even games ware you pass the controller around and each player dues something to add to the project, think of crazy ways of using the telephone game with the wii tablet controller.

1:10 they want to show us that the controller well be used a lot with the wii controller, this well allows for some privet experiences in your own hands, and a different the player who needs more room to SWING away with the wiiremote well have use of the TV.

1:20 they also want to show that the controller can sync with a player OR be used with all players sharing the tablet as a second screen, your TV becomes a panoramic view, as ware the tablet becomes the floor.

1:34 showing again that the controller can take the game play AWAY from the TV, but also showing that they can do so with the other wii hard ware like the balance board.
and now it makes new options with a touch screen controller.

1:54 you can see that the controller can be like a augmented reality of your own tv, this would allows each player to see their own view of the TV.

2:09 clearly they are showing that the new controller can be used as a VISUAL INTERACTION BUTTON, which just means that the touch screen shows a object and when you touch/move the object on the touch screen it dues something on your TV, but it delivers the same response as just pressing (A), BUT not with graphics. what they dont tell you though is that the motion controlls are also part of this, which is kind of a given, BUT its something you may have not thought about.

2:18 they show video calling, OK so FINELY they figure out after all the time that every device to my phone, tablet, DSI, xbox, PS3 and so on needs a camera for some reson or another. and video chat just goes hand and hand with that, BUT what i would like to see is ONE the camera be better then the 3DS, and 2 that it also be able to show the person your talking to on the TV. BUT hear is the OTHER thing to notice about the video chat, SURE the tablet has a camera, but Nintendo has said more then once that they want the 3DS to interact with the new system, what a grate way to do that if the 3DS could video chat the Wii U.

2:30 OK for some reason they come up with a new way to view the internet by having some sort of magnifying glass effect using the TV and tablet....this sounds both interesting and ANNOYING. BUT it would be interesting to see some fun things come of it.

2:40 hear is one to scream about!!!, if you look right at the TV you can see it using youtube, BUT not as a app, but on the web browser, (how do i know its not a app) WELL the first wii already had flash, it could use youtube AND other video sits, yes even porn videos, also the system could play flash games, some web sites even made flash games just for the wii, so its no suprice really that flash would be on the system but its nice to know its their, NOW if it would just come to the 3DS.....and HTML5

2:57, no suprice it can be used much like the DS/3DS as a second screen for maps, and menus. keeping clutter off the TV and putting it on a easy to use touch screen in your hands.

now that the video is over their is a lot of secret details to be held YAY for us. it also might be backwards to gamecube (no word) BUT it could just use a wireless version of the gamecube controller, and just use internal memorie for saving since their is word of 8GB hard drive and the option to attach a USB hard drive to the system. OR their could also be the other way of doing things, SINCE the game cube controller has the same minimal buttons as the new tablet controller, you may just see GC games being DLC to the Wii U.

now we got lots of time before the system comes out, and their is not even a for sure date yet, BUT the system looks good, and their are plenty of more rumers to go around, and things to put on the wish list of what to add/take away. and personalty i think their is only room to grow on. the only thing i can say about the controller really is that i wish it had a compasitive OLED screen, OLED looks amazing and for a HD screen would just be .....their are no words really, as you well soon find out on the PSvita. and compasitive is just how OLED words, so oh well.

more later as the story develops

Thursday, May 19, 2011

what elce can a xbox do?

Xbox just for gaming?
Not just for gaming, hear are some ways to use the xbox for none gaming

1) Streaming, with a network connection set up through a PC in your main folder settings or in the zune share you can stream photos (a folder with slides), video (movies), and audio (music), to your xbox (on a TV) from your network shared PC. This can be a clever way to show a presentation at school or a office from any network shared computer to put that media on a TV (larger screen)

2) Kinect chat, with the high end web cam that also uses inferred to see in 3D, can turn your TV into a Large web cam for conference calls, and other kinds of presentations, there is also a avatar chat that takes voice and face recondition and can combine it into your avatar in a clever round table chat with multiple friends, kinect can also be a clever way to show off that stuff in 1). Microsoft has also bought out SKYPE and well bring the survice to kinect, making it so you can skype chat on your TV to any one elce with a skype account on their Xbox OR desktop/laptop/tablet/phone

3) Media canter, on xbox can bring you all your internet TV, and radio to your xbox and combine it with a xbox remote for a sleek new kind of media experience, this can also turn the xbox into a DVR if you are tech savy enough to mess with your cable, PC, and xbox to work them together.

4) Facebook, Twitter, ESPN, last FM, Netflix, HuLu +, Zune (Movies, Music, TV Shows, all things the xbox has to offer and use for none game media options

5) There is of cource lots of other gaming things to be heard of but for doing things out side of just being a gaming device these are some well made adds

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my thoughts on E3 2011

E3 2011

LOTS of BIG topics and thoughts

NEW Nintendo home system
The biggest one has to be Nintendo with its 5 year policy on a home system now that it has bin 5 years its time for the next system to come out. 2 big names have come out “project cafĂ©” and “stream”
Both names suggest that the system well be more focused around social gaming and internet use.
Rummers are flooding out that the system well not just have HD graphics but beat our 360 and PS3.
That the system well work with the wii controller (so motion gaming well still be around) and a new controller that has a touch screen (around 6 inches is the word) and that the system can “stream” video to the controller to use for things like split screen gaming, or menus, even games during loading time.
The system is also said to have 3D capability but wont be a focus of the system. Their has also bin talk of the system doing away with friend codes (see better online play) and combining the 3DS with game play options. That said Nintendo has said the new system well be shown at E3 and be playable at the show. But not much elce is known about the system, but of course rumors are also flooding out over it having blue ray, hard drive, DLC for games, have a new and better wii style controller, be more media friendly like xbox, (music and video service, and none game options) and look like a modern SNES system. But we well have to waite and see, but we do know that the thing is real

DLC for big games
Im sure their well be lots of DLC content for big games that have come out, or are coming out, duke nukem, mortal kombat, portal 2, exe their has bin some word on 2 new characters coming to mortal kombat (kintaro, lady in red). But not much elce has bin said

Motion games like crazy
Now that 360 and PS3 have their own motion controllers to string out the life of their systems for another 2-3 years there is sure to be a bunch of new games announced for the 2 motion controllers (kinect and move) their has bin much word on a star wars game coming for kinect that has pod racing and light saber fights. But it sounds at this point to just be a party game, still waiting for something for the core gamer to be announced.

Now that it’s out id like to hear what Nintendo has planned for the system what direction they plan on taking the system and what new games can we see coming to the stores and E-shop what kinds of apps their might be that are gaming centric and how it might work in game play with the new home system.

On a side note im hopping that their well be a game shark or action replay for the 3DS coming out

Still wondering if that well be the official name or not, personally I think and if I were sony I would want to kill the PSP name as it never sold for any thing and it would be grate to see them try to think on a new mind set for the system instead of being stuck in old ways that don’t work.
But for E3 I know there is going to be lots of news about the system. But I still have to put my 2 cents in, I never single out a system as good or bad, just which I want first. Luckily for me 3DS game out befor NGP so I got that choice made for me. And I am happy using the system even though there is not much out for games other then sims 3 and pilot wings or for those of you that like nintendogs.
But im sure they well show a lot of what NGP can do, we know it has a touch pad on the back and touch screen, that its very round and has a a second thumb stick, the most exciting part for me is not the front and rear camera, and the more social gaming aspects but that it has a OLED screen. Im still on the edge of my seat waiting for 3D OLED tv’s to come out. But the only thing in my mind that could compete with a OLED screen is a glasses free 3D screen. (unless their was both at the same time) and so I have to say that im happy to have both systems and can enjoy the use of both kinds of screen on each system, and for different reasons. But im kind of scared that sony might make the system to mature for users and get bypassed again by Nintendo. In both hand held and home. Comments like “no self respecting gammer would use a 3DS” well im sorry but I think the same thing about your rave glow ball motion controller, no self respecting gamer would wave around a glowing ball like their at a rave with a glow stick. (or was that the plan to get the raver demographic) eather way I well still get a NGP my self buy hope that sony can make something better out of it this time around rather then making it out into something that no one buys and then I have something I cant social game with…again.

To sum up
Other then that, there are lots of gaming coming for sure for the new Nintendo system, for wii, xbox and PS3 just as is, but hopefully their can be a few more suprises coming to the table that we don’t know by now. But you can bet that every one well be trying their hardest to report befor the big show. We got 2 new hand helds out/coming have 2 new motion controls for xbox and PS3, and we have a new Nintendo home system coming soon. So knowing the games coming to them is lots to be excited about.

Friday, April 22, 2011

new wii controller

iv bin trying to hold out till i got some E3 news before i said any thing about this, BUT now that mario,zelda, smash-brothers creator has said something about it, i think that it would be safe to say something. Nintendo has never gone more then 5 years without making a new system. SO ugh hem, its getting about that time.

a lot of bloggers and such have bin all a buzz about what we might see at E3 this year, BUT now that MR. Miyamoto has said something about them making the new system we are all set for what might happen at E3. but now to the rummer mill shale we?

ok now that Miyamoto has said that the system well most likely be announced at this years E3. the thing to now ask is what can it do?

well we really have no idea, and we could make some good guesses like enhanced motion controls, better online play, more media options, and HD graphics. BUT thats all the basics. though i well say their are a lot of rumors saying that the system well be not just a notch up but well be taking a lot of horse power this time.

but what people are really talking about is the new controller their are lots of rumors that it well have a 6 inch touch screen and be HD compatible have 2 thumb sticks and have a camera. BUT well still be backwards compatible to wii games, of course none of this is proven BUT lets not stop us from wishing and thinking.
so is the system is backwards compatible that tells me it well still work with the wii-remote (clearly) and thus probably keeping it as the controller of choice for most games even new ones, BUT i wouldn't be surprised if their is a new controller for the system that is just a bit different. also i am hopping after seeing what kinect can do that Nintendo dues something with a camera, what i like about kinect is that it can do so much more then just be a camera, or take away your controller, it can just be a add on that makes games better. and the HD graphics and rummered blue ray player in the system is taking off as well. but i still move back to the controller. just thinking of the options that it would bring. as far as maps, menues, co-op, multiplyer, text, messaging, video chat, and much more, even to question if it would also have 3D or the system its self support 3D. lots of think about but im sure that nintendo WHEN it dues show its new system that it well make it worth wile just like the Wii, which if we remember was called "project revelation" and sure enough MS and sony fallowed by adding their own motion controlls. but something nintendo fell short on with the wii was social gaming, and the name for their system right now is "project cafe" wich to me sounds like social gaming is a BIG theme, which it also was with the 3DS so im eger to see what nintendo has in mind if that is the case.

Monday, March 28, 2011

some coffee talk about the wii 2

so their has bin a lot of press right now about nintendo and how it dues it busness. wich i always find funny when a brainless blogger claimes they know what their talking about. espeshaly the ones who dont even game in the first place.
well let me say this. nintendo has bin at this for YEARS and i dont think they make any move without being sure they know what their doing.
for instance they wii sold more systems then PS3 and Xbox 360 COMBINED.
and later had both making their own motion controlls.
and the DS had 4 different versions all selling VERRY well and out sold the PSP.
and what was the differance ? inovation as ware PS3 and xbox has POWER behind the gaming nintendo was about inovation. motion and touch not graphics.

so i can say that what ever nintendo is doing right now as far as a second wii or what ever takes its place well be well thought out.

looking at it now i have said over and over that nintendo needs a new hand held rather then remaking the same one they have bin. not that it wasent still selling it just could of had a new system altgether. now that its only a month away from that new system the 3DS. i can now look at the new psp and say OK first off again its about inavation the graphics are amazing for a hand held and it sure kicks ass compared to the ipad if we are to even consider it for gaming.
but i well say that sony realy has bin starting from scratch this time. which is good. because the PSP was a good idea but was not a finished one. but as far as inavation mulit touch is every ware so thats not really a big deal. and as far as the back being touch sensative that part is inavative to a point. mainly so u dont block the screen with your own hand. but the back is the same thing thats in the wacam tablets we have had for years still i think this could be cool for some games. 3g i think is more of a gimmic then any thing elce and wont sell based on that as most people dont care to spend that kind of money each month. but i do think chances are better for it to sell this time around. but i still see a winner for the 3ds out selling as the 3D craze well be eaten up with the 3D screen requireing no glasses.

but back to the wii 2. hear is how it can be inavative and still trendy the next time around.
1) the sytem dues need new graphic power. but i can say that 3D might be part of the system plans or maybe for a update later on. nintendo has always bin on part with praphics but never on top i dont see them really caring right now about that. nintendo has always bin about value and price they wont risk price for top graphics. how ever the new system well be HD and well most likely see a 3D update if not starting with the 3D option.

2) hard drive use. i can see wii 2 using a portibale hard drive rather then its own, but maybe having a portible that u can atach its self to the wii 2, but might even have a card reader for your SD card used by your old wii, DSI, and 3DS.
but i do see nintendo having more built in staorage.

3) though this is VERY unlikely blue ray disks might be an option but i think that is slim chances as nintendo has never updated the wii to play dvds.

4) now that players have had LOTS of time with the wii and now other motion controlles you can bet that the next system well be centerd around better controlls making the new controlls more complex and form fitting.
i also wouldn't be surprised if they included a camera that could be used for some games by its self or with the wii remotes. i can also be sure to tell you their well be a new thinner wii fit board and thinner draw pad.
but remember that it well also be backwards compatibel since nintendo has tended to be alwaysing keeping that in mind. so other then added remote complexity dont excpect new controllers all that much. how ever their always could be backwards compatibilaty with old controllers wich is probably the case as it would have to adapt to the old game cube controller as well for the wii games that could use it.

6) nintendo did how ever have one big down fall to the wii and that was the freind codes.
almost noboady would even use online play just so they did not have to deal with freind codes. EVERY time you wanted to play a game you would need to enter friend codes. and each game had its own code.
the 3DS still has freind codes but this one is like the gammer tag of the xbox ware you only need to enter it in once for that 3DS system and its saved for ever. this is a LOT better and can also have more detailed content like leader baords and scores. in a system im calling the "pass arcade" in wich players can use their street pass tech in the 3DS that lets you pass a 3DS and you can trade stats and date. just like when you went to the old arcade and they had the high scores up on pacman. now you can pass a 3Ds owner and have all their game stats .
point being wii friend codes, no one likes them.

7) nintendo has always bin about free software. back when i got my first game boy it came with a free game. to the wi having free channels you could play around with and use wii sports. to the DS that had a chat program, and DSi that had a camera and mp3 player.
now the 3DS has a AR game and AR cards you can use to play the game, and a game called face raiders. along with yet another mp3 player and 3D camera. most likely another chat program and more.
so the wii 2 well also offer new free software for sure but it well need some new things. probably as well a updated mii creator.

8) now that the 3DS is becoming more media freindly. you can be sure the wii well too. thats why im thinking they might add a blue ray player. but for sure they well need video and music play. and most likely offer custome sound track in games.

9) most solid core games, other then main nintendo tittels like metroid or mario their wernt a lot of core games for the wii. every thing that sold really well was mostly nintendo games
wii fit, udraw, wii play, mario cart, supser mash brothers, DK, mario glaixy, metroid.......the list goes on. but their all nintendo 1st party games. and every thing like splinter cell or what have you was taken down as a simpathy game. mind you the system did still sell more then xbox and sony combined but its games were sold to non gamers thaty were gaming for the first time. sold to familys who wanted a family system, or for those looking for something different and its 250$ price tag let it sell fast. the day they came out they were sold out. and for weeks. luckely i had a dedicated mom who was able to get 2!!! just on case one was broken or we had to return it we would still have the other.
any ways that about it for now. and of cource i well update later on. and as E3 rolls around ill be talking more about gameing news as things roll around. and keep you all posted

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My first hands on with the 3ds.

I well not be getting a 3DS for a few weeks due to some of my own budget spending but I well be getting one soon, that being said there is a system on display at your local best buy, and has bin on display the day before release I took time to walk over and check it out.

First off every ones big question is HOW IS THE 3D, and I have to say its amazing, that being said you well definitely be using the 3D slider this works the same way as being in a 3D movie, it helps to find the seating that is best for your eyes in a 3D movie. The depth slider acts the same way, and can modify best for your yes, AND can allow give you some wiggle room distance wise form the screen, I found I could look at the 3D screen really well even at 2.5 feet away. So don’t let others fool you with stories about blur, but it well if you tilt it to much at a angle how ever.
Now the system they had on display had a cut away that would not let me go to the home menu and would only start a load up of pilot wings. OK next question IS 3D a need…..well NO, but neither is a lot of things, but it can help, pilot wings was a good game to play because it made the back ground seem father away and added that depth making the 3DS like a window for me to look out of and see the world of pilot wings. And it made things like trees, balloons, clouds, and menus, and even your air craft have some depth with helped you better manage how to fly the plane, the reason this is, is because like your eyes you see not just 2 images but from 2 angels allowing a ball to look round not a flat circle. And thus this new angled view in games allowed you to see a left and a right side of the plane and other objects, giving you more sense of ware the objects were in space. So dues it change game play? Yes and no. it can make it better, but having used gaming so long with out 3D is going to make some say that its not needed, but when I pick up a peace of hard ware I like to see what the experience is from that moment not looking back. And the 3D can help, and again no only can the slider help you see the 3D to fit for you, and it dues so really well, but you can also just turn it off if you want. The stylus also has a nice build on it, looking at in photos and videos I have to say that the stylus looked flimsy and fragile but I have to say that it also surprised me. What I did not expect was the size, it is much smaller then I expected and also much lighter, the system they had in the store had all kinds of cords and even a heavy metal plate on the back, but even with all that it felt like how I expected which means with out all the cords, cables, and plate the system well but lighter, and thus it was nice feel, the 360 pad on the device was very nice and moved well, it had a nice grip and really was a big game changer. As for the old arrow pad, it is slightly sharper in build and after a few hours of game play might make your thumb sore, but ughh details, details,! The system was a lot of fun and the graphics were amazing and the 250$ price tag seem well worth it seeing all that Nintendo has put into the system and still what’s to come. I was not able to play with the camera or the AR games since I could not go into the home screen but just the same I well give in depth detail on that when I get hands on with it, and I well be youtubing those blogs as well. (Subscribe) at JokerGallagherTV on youtube.
Finely ill talk about the look. Photos don’t do it justice nor do videos, the outer shell of the flip screen (the top 3D screen) has a strange gloss around it that if looked at just right seems like a jell almost, and there is a metal shell under that which makes the system have a sort of magical feel just by looking at the out side. Then there is the bottom half the buttons feel metallic but are not, but look nice, kind of glittery but not in a cheep way. The select home and start button are nice and even though they seem flush with the system they still deliver a nice click and a slight tactile bump. The shoulder buttons seem small, I had a original DS and a DSI (black) and the shoulder buttons on the first DS were a good size much like the GBA, and it seams by my recall that the DSI had bugger shoulder buttons as well, that not really being hear nor their simply pointing out that it seems smaller if that’s a issue to you. All things said I think it delivered on its promise at least with the small and limited hands on that I had with the system.
And when I get one in a short time I well be sure to fallow up with all kinds of up a close bits.

Friday, March 25, 2011

lets get it on (xbox 360 and xbox talk)

so to kick off the blog im going to be talking about the xbox, just in general some talk about xbox and xbox 360

first off lets talk about xbox one.

what was amazing about the system was the interface
and the feel, it really made you feel like their was something about it just turning it on with no game. made you feel like their was something going on. it also was the first system with a hard drive that let you save music OMG i know right. and some games would let you use that music for costume sound track, of course now xbox 360 lets you play ur music over any game new or old. which is grate if you have a zune/zune HD because you can turn your zune into your own music (movies, photos)hard drive.
but this was grate for allowing your self to add some effect to a party, and if you got the DVD remote you could also get a easter egg with the info button allowing you to pull up a full screen visualasation on your TV.

their was also xbox live, which back then cost $50 a month. and for 360 is 50 a year.

on the bad side the controller was over sized for more then half the life of the system. which was annoying. u could though put a memorie card in the controller and xbox gear like mic.
the games were for the most part the same on game cube and ps2 but with different controls. something really bad ass though as that the hard drive allowed you to save games and music to the system. and it brought up all kinds of things like new leader boards and gamer tags.

their were all sorts of other this and that about the xbox live effect. but ill leave that up to you. something but lets talk about other topics on the subject
the system its self. never before has a system looked so strangely different. the shape was a black box yes, but the feel was mature and intense.

sure game cube also had a different style but Nintendo has always has sort of a video game device feel. a fun design that makes the buyer know it is a gaming device. xbox looked almost like a computer or something else. which it was it would play your dvd,s music CD's and even rip music to the system's hard drive.

but the system was also BIG and heavy, and never got a slim model like ps2, ps3 and 360. which was a interesting choice.

but what would a game system be without games? and when you talk about xbox how can you avoid HALO. at first every one was excited BUT me. it was a shooter. in space what was so cool about that? what about duke nukem, what about doom. those had aliens that had space right? so what was the differance. i mean that wasent to say it was but, what was the hype? after later beating the game i found a interest in the story more then game play, i would later take a tour of bunjie studios in Seattle and come home with a whole box of halo merch. books toys and copy of halo one and 2, and even go to help work on some of the project its self in the game design. and have a big love for the game.
hear is my signed copy of halo 2 by the team
that made it

so whats new in 360?

halo 3 of coerce, OH YA their is also a much changed and ever evolving home screen, that even has a different version for kinect.
their is still a hard drive but it came with 3 options and colors. WhOOOOO
you could also play old games and later play custom sound track over all games. COOL
a new free xbox live, down load arcade games, and even whole tittles. upgrade your xbox hard drive, play in HD, have a wireless controller, get a port for your pc to play with the same controller. LIKE OMG

then came apps like last FM, facebook, twitter, netflix, espn3, and soon HULU.
along with a bunch of other content you can get with being online.

then both xbox and play station got envy over wii out selling both of them bay far. so they decided to step their game up with their own motion controllers, but before that xbox slim came out and in 2 sizes F-ING big (250GB) and basic (4GB) one in gloss one in mat but both in black. and with a slim design that reminds me of alien ware computers,

and some other smart design adds like touch buttons and added USB ports, even a "kinect ready" build out. their was some preformince pick ups but not much. but the BIGGEST had came 2 times with a second fan for better cooling and noise killing smart hard ware that made the system really quite, and also their was the add of WIFI, "YES" that was a big one to get now i can LIVE all over the house with no cords.

finely kinect came out with NO controller needed full body motion controller. their has still to be more "hard core games" but overall the games that came out took big steps in the direction of what you can do with the kinect, like the pet sim kinectaimals, the full body dancing game dance central and sports/ activity fun with kinect adventures that came standard with the kinect camera, and soon a FPS called child of edin and the avatar chat program to have your animated avatar chat with a table of others.
and more games are coming.

also another though was that xbox is 3D ready but their has yet to be some games that use it. how ever batman: AA did use 3D (but) included its own paper glasses. but the tech is about the same. so it is their for use. if it were to be used that is.

talk it up


this blog well be game reviews that i do ranging from new to old games.
at any system, this well be more for talk then review. so feel free to join in and talk