Saturday, June 11, 2011

a good rant on the wii U

Nintendo over E3 has shows their new system the wii u, and wile its my jobs as the customer and thinker that i am to go on a rant about the thing. i well say that it has already sold millions before being in stores. THAT SAID. im still going to go on a rant about it.

first, it seams the whole thing is about the controller, which is good since every game system these days has motion controls, has HD graphics, internet play, a online game store, and other none gaming options like Netflix, hulu.
its good to see Nintendo is always thinking out side the box and looking for what can make the Wii U different then the rest.
the controller looks nice, and has a tablet looking sytle with a 6 inch touch screen in the middle of the screen, what scares me is the feel of the controller would it be annoying to hold for a few hours of game play? not from what iv bin hearing, but we shal she when i get one.

though the screen is not multi touch, i think that's more then ok since i don't want to much going on, on that small screen any way, and supposedly its a HD screen, which for some games well allow you to switch them over to the controller, and turn off the tv. but something that Nintendo said is that only one controller well be used, but something even more weird is that they also said they would be looking into using more then one of the tablet controllers at a time, but just need ideas.....IM SORRY WHAT!!!
i have a hard time coming up with ideas ware their would be 4 wii controllers and one tablet...that just seams weird to me and i cant come up with much their, HOW EVER with 4 HD screens in every ones hand i can at least come up with 2 grate ways to use 4 controllers that would give the wii u praise time and time again

1) split screen, for any one playing a racing game, PFS, or any game that uses a split screen, this would be amazing, you could turn the tv off its self, OR have it just display things like score boards, and then have each player have their own screen in their hands, no one taking a peek at your screen, and not turning your nice HD screen into a split screen mess.

2) screen share, for any one that plays a sports game, or say a RPG like hunter, you know the agony of one player being far behind and your whole teem have to wait for them to catch up because the screen wont let you keep moving. or when your playing a sports game and who ever has the ball is ware the screen is and now you who dues not have the ball has to see that player and not your own. this also is good for racing games, you would have your motion control in your hands and see out the perspective of your driver with out using a split screen on your TV,wile your TV could show a birds eye view of the track

OH and hear is a 3rd i just thought of.

3) so your playing a party game with turn involved so each player can use the TV one at a time, BUT each player can have all their items, stats, and other such things kept in their hands and off the big screen, this allows you to keep secrets (like items)from other players and be able to better give strategy because the players don't know the items of the other players. and each screen can also have some kind of mini game wile they are waiting for their turn to come up.

ok so that was a good rant on the need for 4 tablet controllers at a time.
BUT their has also bin talk about being able to use the 3DS, wich is cool and should be done, but not in place of the above. it should be for a different kind of experiences, why? for one the 3ds has not the same kind of buttons as its missing a 2 triggers or (ZL, ZR) and the second circle pad, so for some games ware you need those you would be SOL. and that's poor planing. not to mention hitting the home button on the 3DS would most likely log you out of what ever mode you were in to use it with the wii U, also the screen of the 3DS is smaller and none HD.
BUT in some cases it would be nice to use a 3DS, it has most of the other things, and has a second screen that's is....IN 3D, every one in the family could watch the same 3D movie in different parts of the house/room watching in glasses free 3D and they could all stream at the same time making it a family/shared experience.
their is also linking a 3DS game to the system with a game that takes place on both systems and by using the 3DS you can unlock new kinds of game play on your tv with the same control.YAY

ok so if we pay attention to the video of the Wii U showing off its hard ware in its video hear we can brake it down to get some other tid bits of info they dont say directly
(video thanks to IGN)

at :35 you well notice a drawing app/game this would most likely be something built in from day one as freeware because it would be a BIG part of the controller using the stylus and touch screen. and since they made a point of making it the second thing shown on the controller its something they want us to know it can do.

:50 they want you to know that it can be used much like a tablet device away from the tv, as they make a point more then once to show a couple playing a game using one controller, you can be sure that the eshop for the wii u well be filled with games like this. chess, checkers, tik tak toe, and the like well be sure to be on the system, or even games ware you pass the controller around and each player dues something to add to the project, think of crazy ways of using the telephone game with the wii tablet controller.

1:10 they want to show us that the controller well be used a lot with the wii controller, this well allows for some privet experiences in your own hands, and a different the player who needs more room to SWING away with the wiiremote well have use of the TV.

1:20 they also want to show that the controller can sync with a player OR be used with all players sharing the tablet as a second screen, your TV becomes a panoramic view, as ware the tablet becomes the floor.

1:34 showing again that the controller can take the game play AWAY from the TV, but also showing that they can do so with the other wii hard ware like the balance board.
and now it makes new options with a touch screen controller.

1:54 you can see that the controller can be like a augmented reality of your own tv, this would allows each player to see their own view of the TV.

2:09 clearly they are showing that the new controller can be used as a VISUAL INTERACTION BUTTON, which just means that the touch screen shows a object and when you touch/move the object on the touch screen it dues something on your TV, but it delivers the same response as just pressing (A), BUT not with graphics. what they dont tell you though is that the motion controlls are also part of this, which is kind of a given, BUT its something you may have not thought about.

2:18 they show video calling, OK so FINELY they figure out after all the time that every device to my phone, tablet, DSI, xbox, PS3 and so on needs a camera for some reson or another. and video chat just goes hand and hand with that, BUT what i would like to see is ONE the camera be better then the 3DS, and 2 that it also be able to show the person your talking to on the TV. BUT hear is the OTHER thing to notice about the video chat, SURE the tablet has a camera, but Nintendo has said more then once that they want the 3DS to interact with the new system, what a grate way to do that if the 3DS could video chat the Wii U.

2:30 OK for some reason they come up with a new way to view the internet by having some sort of magnifying glass effect using the TV and tablet....this sounds both interesting and ANNOYING. BUT it would be interesting to see some fun things come of it.

2:40 hear is one to scream about!!!, if you look right at the TV you can see it using youtube, BUT not as a app, but on the web browser, (how do i know its not a app) WELL the first wii already had flash, it could use youtube AND other video sits, yes even porn videos, also the system could play flash games, some web sites even made flash games just for the wii, so its no suprice really that flash would be on the system but its nice to know its their, NOW if it would just come to the 3DS.....and HTML5

2:57, no suprice it can be used much like the DS/3DS as a second screen for maps, and menus. keeping clutter off the TV and putting it on a easy to use touch screen in your hands.

now that the video is over their is a lot of secret details to be held YAY for us. it also might be backwards to gamecube (no word) BUT it could just use a wireless version of the gamecube controller, and just use internal memorie for saving since their is word of 8GB hard drive and the option to attach a USB hard drive to the system. OR their could also be the other way of doing things, SINCE the game cube controller has the same minimal buttons as the new tablet controller, you may just see GC games being DLC to the Wii U.

now we got lots of time before the system comes out, and their is not even a for sure date yet, BUT the system looks good, and their are plenty of more rumers to go around, and things to put on the wish list of what to add/take away. and personalty i think their is only room to grow on. the only thing i can say about the controller really is that i wish it had a compasitive OLED screen, OLED looks amazing and for a HD screen would just be .....their are no words really, as you well soon find out on the PSvita. and compasitive is just how OLED words, so oh well.

more later as the story develops

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