Friday, March 25, 2011

lets get it on (xbox 360 and xbox talk)

so to kick off the blog im going to be talking about the xbox, just in general some talk about xbox and xbox 360

first off lets talk about xbox one.

what was amazing about the system was the interface
and the feel, it really made you feel like their was something about it just turning it on with no game. made you feel like their was something going on. it also was the first system with a hard drive that let you save music OMG i know right. and some games would let you use that music for costume sound track, of course now xbox 360 lets you play ur music over any game new or old. which is grate if you have a zune/zune HD because you can turn your zune into your own music (movies, photos)hard drive.
but this was grate for allowing your self to add some effect to a party, and if you got the DVD remote you could also get a easter egg with the info button allowing you to pull up a full screen visualasation on your TV.

their was also xbox live, which back then cost $50 a month. and for 360 is 50 a year.

on the bad side the controller was over sized for more then half the life of the system. which was annoying. u could though put a memorie card in the controller and xbox gear like mic.
the games were for the most part the same on game cube and ps2 but with different controls. something really bad ass though as that the hard drive allowed you to save games and music to the system. and it brought up all kinds of things like new leader boards and gamer tags.

their were all sorts of other this and that about the xbox live effect. but ill leave that up to you. something but lets talk about other topics on the subject
the system its self. never before has a system looked so strangely different. the shape was a black box yes, but the feel was mature and intense.

sure game cube also had a different style but Nintendo has always has sort of a video game device feel. a fun design that makes the buyer know it is a gaming device. xbox looked almost like a computer or something else. which it was it would play your dvd,s music CD's and even rip music to the system's hard drive.

but the system was also BIG and heavy, and never got a slim model like ps2, ps3 and 360. which was a interesting choice.

but what would a game system be without games? and when you talk about xbox how can you avoid HALO. at first every one was excited BUT me. it was a shooter. in space what was so cool about that? what about duke nukem, what about doom. those had aliens that had space right? so what was the differance. i mean that wasent to say it was but, what was the hype? after later beating the game i found a interest in the story more then game play, i would later take a tour of bunjie studios in Seattle and come home with a whole box of halo merch. books toys and copy of halo one and 2, and even go to help work on some of the project its self in the game design. and have a big love for the game.
hear is my signed copy of halo 2 by the team
that made it

so whats new in 360?

halo 3 of coerce, OH YA their is also a much changed and ever evolving home screen, that even has a different version for kinect.
their is still a hard drive but it came with 3 options and colors. WhOOOOO
you could also play old games and later play custom sound track over all games. COOL
a new free xbox live, down load arcade games, and even whole tittles. upgrade your xbox hard drive, play in HD, have a wireless controller, get a port for your pc to play with the same controller. LIKE OMG

then came apps like last FM, facebook, twitter, netflix, espn3, and soon HULU.
along with a bunch of other content you can get with being online.

then both xbox and play station got envy over wii out selling both of them bay far. so they decided to step their game up with their own motion controllers, but before that xbox slim came out and in 2 sizes F-ING big (250GB) and basic (4GB) one in gloss one in mat but both in black. and with a slim design that reminds me of alien ware computers,

and some other smart design adds like touch buttons and added USB ports, even a "kinect ready" build out. their was some preformince pick ups but not much. but the BIGGEST had came 2 times with a second fan for better cooling and noise killing smart hard ware that made the system really quite, and also their was the add of WIFI, "YES" that was a big one to get now i can LIVE all over the house with no cords.

finely kinect came out with NO controller needed full body motion controller. their has still to be more "hard core games" but overall the games that came out took big steps in the direction of what you can do with the kinect, like the pet sim kinectaimals, the full body dancing game dance central and sports/ activity fun with kinect adventures that came standard with the kinect camera, and soon a FPS called child of edin and the avatar chat program to have your animated avatar chat with a table of others.
and more games are coming.

also another though was that xbox is 3D ready but their has yet to be some games that use it. how ever batman: AA did use 3D (but) included its own paper glasses. but the tech is about the same. so it is their for use. if it were to be used that is.

talk it up

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